Tuesday 16 December 2014

Here's a Fantasy... Pool

Greetings Fellow Web Users,

It has come time to discuss hockey, though not the typical, 'Such-and-such team sucks!', and 'I'm sure those mumps are a perminent illness'. This is an awareness builder for those who have not yet braved a year long WAR in a fantasy sports pool. Sure, no one actually leaves this physical realm, but there are sacrifices made, time lost, and enemies to thwart.
 Don't get me wrong, if I invested any amount of money into this, I would sleep even less than living with a newborn baby, which I have the experience to boot. No, money aside, this battle of nightly statistics, irrationally poor goaltending, and inexpliciable hot streaks make up for a thrilling platform of geeking (if I can use said word for a verb). Yes, for a free competition I may be putting a ta-a-a-a-d much pressure on myself to succeed, but that's because I know my stuff... right?
  Well, after about 30 NHL games into the regular season, I sit a mere 6th out ten. What happened, you ask? In the midst of handling my offensive catgories with precision, I have neglected my goaltending like a poo-stained patch in a pristine flower bed. But, I digress.
All in good fun... My mediocre standing - Barrhaven Wizards

~Catch that river in the sky~

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